Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Years' resolutions, and things that destroy those resolutions

So one of the things I'm planning to do this year is run a marathon. It'll be my first. In fact, Aa signed us up for a half-marathon to force us to start training early (and also do a half-marathon). One thing that any trainer or coach or book tells you is, when you are training for a long race, you have to do long runs. Many books suggest planning your run for a Sunday - a weekend day when you are presumably off work, and after you've presumably gotten a lot of your other weekend errandy-stuff done.

This Sunday, I did the exact opposite of a long run. I went to a Pie Party.

The Pie Party is an annual event, on some Sunday right at the beginning of the new year (when most ppl have resolved to drop the holiday pounds - excellent timing!). The day of the Pie Party started when Aa and I woke up. He looked at me lovingly and said, "I'm going to make a macaroni and cheese pie". (I think my groggy response was, "Is that possible?") And, hoo boy, he did. It was a heart-stopper of a pie. BUT! I wasn't even *close* to the most insane pie there. No, that honor was easily taken by Josh, who made this. Although I didn't have any of Josh's creation, I think being that near it caused my jeans to fit a little bit tighter. (or maybe it was the three plates of dessert pie I had? Hmmm.) After the Pie Party, Aa and I went home and sat on our butts and moaned about how much we'd just eaten. Zack stared at us in disgust, huffed, and went into the bedroom and fell asleep. (I think he was looking forward to the run.)

Pictures of the weekend-long process of Josh making Timpano! It should be noted you are seeing pictures of, I guess, Timpano Jr. There's apparently a much larger version, which just thinking about gives me a tummy ache.


Phyllis said...

boyeeee! I'm honored that you blogged the timpano! Aa's macaroni pie was goooood. That sentence would also be true if I left off the last letter. (This is a compliment. I like goo. Especially when it's cheese-flavored.)

MintyJ said...

mmm, cheese flavored goo! heck yeah.